Tips for Keeping Your Home Warm This Winter Season
As The Temperatures Dip, Your Heating Bill Goes Up
In addition to hiring NALA Industries for your home heating oil delivery, here are some other cost saving tips for keeping your New England home warm this winter season.

Use Curtains
Heavy duty curtains are spectacular for curbing the effects of heat lost through windows. Heat from the sun is free so make the most of it. Open your curtains and let the sunlight in during the day and be sure to close them when it gets dark for that extra layer of insulation.
Move Your Furniture
If you have furniture that is blocking the heating vents in your home. Sofas are the worst for absorbing heat that could be warming your home and not just your bottomside while you sit in it.
Put On the Layers
As much as you may want to be able to move freely about your home in comfortable shorts and a t-shirt, the cost to be able to do so may surpass your wants. We highly recommend cozy slippers. comfy sweats and a fuzzy bathrobe for the cooler months while inside. Besides, nothing says “home sweet home” more than cuddling beneath the soft fleece blankets while indulging in binge-worthy shows you recorded.
Speaking of layers, check the layers of your hot water tank. Make sure it is properly insulated. This will keep the water warmer for longer, and reduce heating costs.

Lower your thermostat
Do not crank up your thermostat when home and then turn it down while you are gone. The cost to reheat the home will surpass the cost of turning your thermostat down. This may seem a little counter-intuitive, but bear with me. The World Health Organization recommends a minimum temperature of 64°F. Turning your thermostat down by 1°F could cut your heating bill by up to 10%. For many, 64°F seems cool. We suggest raising it to 65-66°F during the day and dropping to 63-64°F at night.
Don’t Find Yourself in Fuel Poverty
Effectively plan your household budget using our budget plan. Our ten (10) month budget plan runs from October 1st to July 31st. This is for our customers who like the convenience of spreading out the cost of their home heating oil bills. This plan works in conjunction with our automatic delivery program.
If you wish to learn more about heating oil and ways to save o your energy bills, be sure to bookmark our NEWS page. If a history of uninterrupted service and responsive and capable customer service staff are a priority with your home heating oil company, we’re confident NALA Heating Oil will be your first and last stop for your home heating services. Call NALA today and discover how you may stay out of the cold.